Portfolio Progress

Well, here is what I have so far, I have until Wed. to finish the last two pieces for this portfolio.

I learned a lot about digital illustration while doing these, so hopefully next quarter I'll be well-prepared for my Digital Illustration class. These are more or less the final versions of everything, not too bad for three weeks worth of work.

Sneak Peek

Welcome to brown town!

This has been my life for the last week and a half, and will be for at least another week. Woo-hoo.

More Class Projects

Spreading avian happiness.

Still more class work. This is going to be a huge weekend for me to work on that portfolio, as it's mostly clear. Nose to the grindstone time.

Anyway, if you get a chance, check out Tyler Goldman's photo blog, Heliographic Encounters. He's my bro, and I'm sure he's appreciate the visit.

Nose Art Feb 8

More class projects. I'm still working out that portfolio for next quarter, but every once in a while, the classes I'm taking this quarter come calling, haha.

Quick Update

I'm going to be really busy for the next two weeks or so- I'm putting together a portfolio for a really competitive class for next quarter. So don't expect too many updates between now and then, haha. Even if I don't make the cut, hopefully I'll have some nice stuff for my portfolio. Wish me Luck!

More Practice Pieces Feb.1

Wind Fish

In Progress

Burgletons Feb.1

Little Tiny Cerberus

Decided to sketch some Burgleton Burglars last night. Based on our Art of Film final project way back in high school. I might end up messing around with some of these digitally later.


I raise you each... ten million.

Best henchmen ever