Well, here I am one quarter through my senior year. Over the winter break I'm going to really try and push my portfolio- so chances are I'll be updating pretty often with new stuff over the next month and a half. Wish me luck!
Anatomy of a sandguidge
Feels Good, man.
Fall Preview
Teaser poster for the independent film I'm working on. I needed to put something together for an investor/ media dinner, so there we go.
The persistence of life and death
My job at Activision is going really well- I've just got to remember to keep doing studies over the summer.
In honor of the new Zelda
Got a gig doing QA work at Activision this summer. It ain't much, but it's a start.
Storyboards for an imaginary squid battle
More or less finished
Character design sketches I'll be refining this week
Environment designs for my Concept Art class
The ever-popular tarot card assignment. I see these things on student webpages pretty often, but at least this was a fun assignment to work on.
Canadian rocket flippers