Winter break plans

Well, here I am one quarter through my senior year. Over the winter break I'm going to really try and push my portfolio- so chances are I'll be updating pretty often with new stuff over the next month and a half. Wish me luck!

More Fall Quarter

Anatomy of a sandguidge



Ailurophobia- Fear of cats

Anthophobia- Fear of flowers

Tonsurephobia- Fear of hair cuts


Feels Good, man.


Fall Preview


Teaser poster for the independent film I'm working on. I needed to put something together for an investor/ media dinner, so there we go.


The persistence of life and death

My job at Activision is going really well- I've just got to remember to keep doing studies over the summer.


In honor of the new Zelda

Something new for the summer

Got a gig doing QA work at Activision this summer. It ain't much, but it's a start.


Fight scene storyboards

20K Under the Sea

Storyboards for an imaginary squid battle


More or less finished

Seiji Designs

Character design sketches I'll be refining this week

Seiji Garage

Environment designs for my Concept Art class

Dino Tarots

The ever-popular tarot card assignment. I see these things on student webpages pretty often, but at least this was a fun assignment to work on.

Lady Land

Canadian rocket flippers